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DrForexOfficial is always looking for independent writers who are experts in the fields of capital markets and trading to contribute to our news, forecast and opinion sections.

Why DrForex?

By contributing to DrForex, you will benefit from DrForex's reputation, strengthening your own brand name, enjoy DrForex's highly targeted traffic source not to mention the ever-growing collaboration between DrForex and other leading news portals including, but not limited to, Yahoo Finance, Nasdaq, Tradingview, Kitco, ForexFactory and many more.

Contributors will receive a dedicated profile page that will display all of the articles they produced for DrForex, providing the contributors with the opportunity to build strong branding either as an individual or under the contributor’s brand.

Under their profile page, contributors are able to highlight their expertise, company brand, published content and more.


  • Field Expertise : Proven experience in covering capital markets and relevant education are required.
  • Exclusivity : Exclusivity is required.

  • Editorial Guidelines

  • Plagiarism : Only original content may be submitted. Plagiarised articles will not be accepted and DrForex reserves the right to suspend authors with any works that are proven to be plagiarised.
  • Content : For publications to be considered, we recommend that submitted articles are concise, while we will require articles to be circa 500 words. Shorter contributions may be considered when deemed appropriate. Forecasts should provide individualistic content enhanced with graphics including, but not limited to charts, video and/or audio sections.
  • Quality : We recommend that contributors review and edit articles before submission, with any articles that have incorrect spelling or grammatical errors requiring significant editing likely to fail our minimum standards. In such instances, articles will not be published.

  • If you are interested in becoming a contributor then send an email to

    Please be advised: we are currently receiving a high volume of new requests each day, we appreciate your patience as we handle these requests as quickly as we can, in the order they were received.


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